Lacrosse League Rules
Tuesday, January 2, 2024 2:20 PM
6 v 6; 5 runners and 1 goalie

2 players must remain on defense at all times and 2 players must remain on offensive.

Body checking or pushing into the walls is not permitted.

We will use swag balls during games.

Athletes required to provide all necessary equipment:

BOYS: stick, helmet, gloves, elbow pads, chest pad, cup and sneakers/turf shoes/cleats (with not metal on the bottom).

GOAL EQUIPMENT: throat guard, shin guards, and equipment mentioned above.?

Games consist of two 22-minute halves, running clock. Half time will be 5 minutes long. No timeouts.

Each team must have a coach in the dugout during the duration of the game.

Spectators, coaches and athletes (playing or on the bench) must be aware of their surroundings and misdirected balls.

Good sportsmanship will be enforced at all times. Everyone also must complete a waiver.